Wisdom leads the way,we follow,one simple step at a time!


Wisdom leads the way, we follow, one simple step at a time.

You see, we always know what to do next, what we do not always do is TRUST what comes to us. Sometimes it can be so noisy in our heads that we cannot hear our wisdom whispering our guidance to us.

Paying attention to the first step on the stairs is all we need to do, keeping it quite simple. It is all in the moment, this is what gaining clarity feels like, freeing you to open to what you already know to do next.

These beautiful steps are from a Coaching retreat I attended last year in Italy.  I remember these steps; in that moment I saw that it is so easy to try to jump to the top of the stairs without ever taking the first step. There is no rush. When our minds settle down, you start to hear your own simple guidance.

Let me use this blog as example, I heard a whisper to PRINT my draft blogs. I got a good feeling when I heard this whisper. Following my guidance, the blog I was drawn to is the one you are reading right now! I got a huge surprise when I read it. I had written it months ago.

Now I understand seeing the guide in print really touched me, something about it let me see I was not trusting my next step fully. Which is for me to write and hit publish 🙂

Well, I thought if this guide has helped me, who else might it help. Bingo (ha) See how simple it is when you trust what you hear, following what comes to you one simple step at a time.

I would love to hear your thoughts, just leave me a comment below!

Lots of love

Margaret xx

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